What is your ministry mindset (Outside The Box Thinking)? Part 1 of 3
Today I am back to thinking on a topic that has crossed my mind so many times in the past several years. Many of you know that my heart and passion is helping ministries with online promotion. While I know there is big money online promoting other services and products, my heart is to bridge the gap for churches and ministries. But there are a few issues that most who try to reach outside the “norm” face. I would like to approach the The Problem, The Paradigm, The Prediction.
The Problem
Many inside the ministry world have a problem of getting “outside the box” due to thinking we have never have done it that way before. Many who are working with a ministry, struggle with a budget and not having tools to do the job.
At our fingertips we have many tools to give a ministry an easy way to promote themselves in their community and where today’s audience is. The problem is that many have the mindset of leaving that to the business world. I am not saying to run a ministry as a business, but there has to be a framework to work from. The idea is to bring more money in than what goes out. I know that may sound like a “duh” moment. You may be thinking, “of course everyone knows that.” Well after being raised inside the church, after living in a parsonage as a child, pastoring myself, and also working and helping with different ministries, I am surprised, no actually I am shocked, at how many just don’t get it.
From my perspective, the reason why some don’t get it is due to the thinking that, God will provide. I am fully in agreement that God will provide and I have seen Him provide in my own life and my family in ways that are astounding. I am fully dependent upon God, but also there is a part of using what is in our hands.
Be sure to read the next part of this series.