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Pulpit Supply and holding revivals for the local church.



Creating websites and helping with local marketing.



We do leadership seminars for pastors and laypeople.



Helping youth connect and really deal with today's culture.


Articles | Opinions

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What is your ministry mindset (Outside The Box Thinking)? Part 3 of 3

I am not into big predictions or trying to foresee about what is happening in the future, but I will tell you this…if your church or ministry doesn’t get online, you will die.  Yes, that sounds harsh and I do mean it to.  Maybe I am trying to give a little shock effect, but I believe it from my heart.  If you don’t use what is in your hands and use the tools available to you, your ministry will die.  Ok…I am going to really jump off the deep end now, according to some people.

I want you to do some research about what is happening in the newspaper industry and actually in the book and printing industry in general.  They are all going digital.  Look around at the next tradeshow, or convention you go to.  What do you see?  There are a lot of tablets, iPads, and Kindles, all using the digital way to read.  Also, mobile phone traffic is one the biggest traffic sources online at this time.  In fact Google just recently changed their algorithm to give preference to mobile responsive websites and ranking them higher than websites that aren’t mobile friendly.

What to do:

There are many ways to expose your ministry to the online world, but I will give you some simple tips to start off with.  You can set up a simple website at Google, Wix, or WordPress for starters.  I highly suggest WordPress, due to being tweaked for search engines and actually that is the platform online marketers use today.  I am talking of marketers making more money in one month than some people make in two years.  So I figured learn from others that are succeeding and use the same tools.  Ok enough of that…J  secondly go set up your social media feeds.  I would suggest starting out with at least, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.   YouTube is also considered social media, so the use of it should be considered.  Use your Gmail email and set up a YouTube channel.  Also go over to Vimeo and set up a channel there.  Then you can eventually connect all of those together and when you post a blog or video, it will send to all of them.

I hope this has helped you out some to stop and think of what your church is doing and are you using “what is in your hands.”  I don’t intend to offend any church pastor, ministry leader, or denominational leader, my full intention is to give tips and helps to the evangelical church circles to promote the Gospel of Christ and connect to today’s culture in an effective way.

We wish you much success,

James Powell

What is your ministry mindset (Outside The Box Thinking)? Part 2 of 3


Today I am back to thinking on a topic that has crossed my mind so many times in the past several years.  Many of you know that my heart and passion is helping ministries with online promotion.  While I know there is big money online promoting other services and products, my heart is to bridge the gap for churches and ministries.  But there are a few issues that most who try to reach outside the “norm” face.  I would like to approach the The Problem, The Paradigm, The Prediction.

The Paradigm Shift

I quickly go to the verse of God speaking to Moses in Exodus 4:2 when God is asking about the staff that Moses held.  “And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand?”  Of course Moses replied, “a staff” and if you have read the story, you know how God led Moses in leading the children of Israel.

I never mean to sound harsh or demeaning, but I want to remind you that we have “in our hands” what is needed.  We live in an internet age, and you will have to change your philosophy and thinking, there is no way around it.  We have access to email, video, websites, social media, simple audio recording, and the list could go on…so we have it in our hands.  It doesn’t cost much if anything at all to do a simple blog or social media post.  No, it might not reach out quite like the professionals, but it is a step in the right direction.

The bottom line is…we have to change our philosophy.  Just because your church or ministry has never used it to its potential, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.  I feel very strongly that God expects us to use what is in our hands.  Ok, I am now going out on a limb here and many may disagree with me, it’s ok.  I believe that God will hold us responsible if we don’t use it, and I am talking about the online world and its tools.  Where is business done today?  Online!

I challenge you to go apply for a job at Wal-Mart and ask for a paper application.  They will point you over to their kiosk to fill out an application and that kiosk is basically an online application to fill out.  So, where is the church world?  Are we online and promoting online?  Are we consistently telling our story, shooting out a little video clip of our services, putting out information on a website, social media feed, or sending an email?  If your church or ministry isn’t then you’re not using what is in your hands.

What is your ministry mindset (Outside The Box Thinking)? Part 1 of 3


Today I am back to thinking on a topic that has crossed my mind so many times in the past several years.  Many of you know that my heart and passion is helping ministries with online promotion.  While I know there is big money online promoting other services and products, my heart is to bridge the gap for churches and ministries.  But there are a few issues that most who try to reach outside the “norm” face.  I would like to approach the The Problem, The Paradigm, The Prediction.

The Problem

Many inside the ministry world have a problem of getting “outside the box” due to thinking we have never have done it that way before.  Many who are working with a ministry, struggle with a budget and not having tools to do the job.

At our fingertips we have many tools to give a ministry an easy way to promote themselves in their community and where today’s audience is.  The problem is that many have the mindset of leaving that to the business world.  I am not saying to run a ministry as a business, but there has to be a framework to work from.  The idea is to bring more money in than what goes out.  I know that may sound like a “duh” moment.  You may be thinking, “of course everyone knows that.”  Well after being raised inside the church, after living in a parsonage as a child, pastoring myself, and also working and helping with different ministries, I am surprised, no actually I am shocked, at how many just don’t get it.

From my perspective, the reason why some don’t get it is due to the thinking that, God will provide.  I am fully in agreement that God will provide and I have seen Him provide in my own life and my family in ways that are astounding.  I am fully dependent upon God, but also there is a part of using what is in our hands.

Be sure to read the next part of this series.